Developer Q&A
API Perfromance KPI metrics
Following APIs are consumed for a use case - "Corrigo - Enable user to submit work order".
API Details used - Various SOAP requests: LogOut, GetCompanyWsdkUrl, LogInCompany, LogInStatus, RetrieveMultiple, Execute
API Performance KPI metrics
Following APIs are consumed for a use case - "Corrigo - Enable user to submit work order".
API Details used - Various SOAP requests: LogOut, GetCompanyWsdkUrl, LogInCompany, LogInStatus, RetrieveMultiple, Execute
Legacy API call ExportWorkOrdersByActionSystemTimeWindow
Hi! I've been trying to find out how to retrive Work Orders By Action System Time Window, i.e. the equivalent of the legacy method "ExportWorkOrdersByActionSystemTimeWindow".
Retrieving only internal Users
I'm attempting to retrieve only my company's users and their respective roles via the API.
How to cancel a reopened workorder?
How do we get Crednetials for the API?
Please let us know how we can access the API.
Multiple documents at Work Order Creation time not uploading
Report Retrieval
Currently working on an integration using the API and I was wondering if there was any way to directly call a "getReport" type of function to grab a previously developed or basic report from Corrigo Enterprise?
API reference for Service Pro NTE and Customer NTE
Please provide the API reference information in order to define or update the ServicePro NTE and the Customer NTE. Thank you.
Incremental Syncing of entities
Hello! We sync some entities with a 3rd party system. For example, Employees, Customers, Assets, etc. Is there any way to do incremental sync where we can fetch only the entities changed since last sync? Is there a way to access the LastUpdatedOn date for entities like Users or Customers?