Developer Q&A
Request/Response Sample for WoCreateCommand API
Hi, I am trying to access WSDL service and invoke WoCreateCommand. Based on the documentation I can create SOAP message as request payload, however not able to decide on the values for parameters since there is no sample request/response available.
What is the correct way of passing ContactName field ?
Our application consumes Corrigo wsld api to create work orders. Our request body looks like this :
how to get 'specialty group'
i have a requirement to find this column: 'specialty group', and the relationship between specialty group and specialties, from SOAP API.
Is there a list of properties that cannot be updated via the API?
I am trying to update a WorkOrder and I am getting this error:
Does corrigo have an API direct interface with ArchBus so we could move data seamlessly?
Conditions not being used when RetrieveMultiple is used.
What are the list of valid ActionReason values for the WoCompleteCommand?
Unable to delete WorkOrders
Unable to get WorkItems for WorkOrders
I am able to create WorkOrders (with workitems) via the API, but when I retrieve a WorkOrder the response I get do not include my workitems. How would I be able to retrieve those items along with the WorkOrders?
How to change error in "parent company" area?
I keep getting an error when syncing for a customer saying I have an invalid character in the "parent company"? How do I change that?