Developer Q&A
What are the list of valid ActionReason values for the WoCompleteCommand?
about 5 years ago by Rex Posadas(edited)
I am trying to set an WorkOrder as "completed" using the WoCompleteCommand. I am having issues trying to find the correct value to set for "ActionReasonId".
I got a list of ActionReason Ids by listing WoActionReasonLookup. I tried all IDs from that list but they were all invalid.
I got erros similar to this:
'ErrorInfo': {
'Number': 0,
'Description': 'Provided action reason 13613 is not supported by Complete action.',
'Type': 'Corrigo.Core.CorrigoCoreException'
'Wo': None,
'UpdatedPropertySet': None
How can I find all the valid values for the ActionReason argument on the WoCompleteCommand?