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Get location details based on string

I am unable to get the location using search string:

What is the field name for the WorkOrder.Description (Asset) from UI Portal in WorkOrder Entity?


ApStatusChangeCommand - {!{Vendor Invoice}!} is read-only and cannot be modified.


How to create WorkOrderCost entry?

I'm trying to construct a query to create a new WorkOrderCost line item for an employee at a given rate:

Custom Field value


Corrigo Web service Error for batch interface

We would like to ask your assistance as we have encountered error when trying to connect to Corrigo Webservice for our batch interface job. We already tried restarting our job several times but to no avail.

Is there a way to fire a Corrigo API query to get the list of employees matching some criteria?

From the portal endpoint, I can hit our Corrigo Employee Users endpoint and search for

How to specify UpdatedBy property for document during creation

If I fire this request

Looking for SOAP payload to update custom field

I was able to retrieve custom fields for a work order, suppose I see this custom field

Bulk Document download question

Our organization is trying to come up with a solution to download all the Documents in bulk whether they are links or pictures. Is there a way to configure Corrigo to allow this functionality? Ideally, I'd like to be able to download all the documents into a ZIP or have a file chooser that lets me pick which links/pictures to save.