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Retrieving Vendor Invoices and Vendor Information

I'm working on integrating via the Corrigo Web Services to pull down Vendor Invoice information. Not only do I need to pull down authorized invoices, but I also need to pull down the associated vendor information.

I’ve looked at the various guides, documentation, and code examples provided, but can’t seem to pinpoint retrieving the right pieces of data.

Starting with provided samples and the vendor invoice scenarios, I've been able to pull down financial items which correspond to the vendor invoices (via theWorkOrderCost objects). So I can see things like the category, description, quantity, and amounts, but now am having trouble figuring out how to see which vendor each item applies. The available API doesn’t appear to have any specific calls to pull down vendor information, so I suspect that there’s a different path to take to retrieve this information.

I've navigated up to the parent WorkOrder object and have not really had much luck here. The Employee object appears to have the data I might be looking for, but I'm not 100% certain about this.

Is there a way to pull all the vendor information for any set of vendor invoices? This will allow me to properly match up the data as needed down on our side.