Developer Q&A
Cannot create a Space (location)
I am following the guide indicated here:
I'm having issues creating a space. In particular, I am mimicing this code sample:
var command = new SpaceCreateCommand
/ newly created Customer Id from prior step to link Space to Customer /
CustomerId = customer.Id,
NewUnitSpecifier = new NewUnitSpecifier
UnitName = unitName,
/ asset template name /
UnitFloorPlan = unitFloorPlan,
StreetAddress = new Address2 { ActorTypeId = ActorType.CommLeaseSpace, }
var response = corrigoService.Execute(command);
But when I try to create a space I am getting this error:
'ErrorInfo': {
'Number': 0,
'Description': "Template name is required to create new 'Building'",
'Type': 'Corrigo.Core.CorrigoBORuleViolationException'
'NewSpace': None
Is there a particular default template name I can use? Do I need to create a template before creating a space? Below is the XML I'm passing:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<ns0:Execute xmlns:ns0="">
<ns0:commandRequest xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns0:SpaceCreateCommand">
Any advice on how to get the space created? If it matter, unltimately, I would like to create a WorkOrder via the API.