API Changes for Enterprise 9.13
about 1 year ago by Baisong Li
Corrigo Enterprise connects you to the industry’s leading facility management platform serving commercial and industrial locations throughout the US and the world. Enterprise 9.13 is further evolution of the 9.x API, providing powerful tools for a wide variety of integration components, services and other applications
Notable updates to WSDL
- New Classes: ArrayOfBlackoutDay, ArrayOfHoliday, ArrayOfLinkCommunityAndRcsCylinder, ArrayOfLinkEmployeeAndRcsCylinder, ArrayOfRcsAction, ArrayOfRcsLeakRateLog, BlackoutDay Entity, LinkCommunityAndRcsCylinder Entity, LinkEmployeeAndRcsCylinder Entity, RcsAction Entity, RcsCircuit Entity, RcsCylinder Entity, RcsCylinderBridgeCorrigoEntity Entity, RcsLeakRateLog Entity, RcsActionStockType Enumeration, RcsActionType Enumeration, RcsCircuitStatus Enumeration, RcsCylinderStatus Enumeration, RcsLeakCause Enumeration, RcsLeakRateMethod Enumeration, RcsLeakRateReason Enumeration, RcsTestMethod Enumeration.
- Changed Classes: Portfolio Entity, WorkZone Entity, AlertType Enumeration, WOActionProperty Enumeration, WOActionType Enumeration.